Brehon Brewhouse Bech Bretha Baggot 9.0% ABV
Brewed in collaboration with our good friends from Gulf Stream Brewing Co., this beer is packed with the flavour and aroma of honey and is backed up with subtle notes of caramel and a gentle smokiness from the malt.
What is a Braggot you say? Well in simple terms it's a cross between a mead and an ale. We've brewed it with grains, hops as well as heaps of honey. Some historic references suggest braggot is a Celtic drink dating back to at least the 12th century.
If you were making honey in 7th Century Ireland, your bees were protected by a set of laws known as the Bechbretha, just like precious cattle. You yourself were required to offer your kin a "tairgille"; an item of personal significance as a pledge of your good bee-keeping behaviour. So here’s an offering of our own; a fitting tribute to the wisdom of
Brehon Law...