Remo Farina
Farina Family, “trasparent” by nature
We were born in a family in which winemaking was a sort of inevitable legacy. However, before making this choice we wanted to experience other professional paths, sure that making wine is more than a job and to do it, it is necessary to be convinced to the very end. And when we chose to dedicate ourselves to this amazing world, we did it with absolute conviction, passion and love. Yes, love, because without strong feelings you can’t go a long way in the wine industry. Love in winemaking but also love in creating the right, true relationships, within the market. Love, that for us translates into transparency. Transparency in telling exactly what we do in the vineyard and in the winery, but also transparency in always being ourselves, convinced that the most important thing is to be trustworthy and, using a word that may appear obsolete now, honest. Claudio, Elena and Alessandro Farina.