Titanic Premium Irish Whiskey 700ml
It took great skill and artistry to create this whiskey for you. To balance its complexity – yet ensure it is simple to appreciate and savour. To blend the light, a sweet vanilla note of Irish grain whiskies, with the rich, deep, spice of triple-distilled malts. To round everything out with a hint of peat smoke and a long, lingering finish. This made the whiskey they want to enjoy after a long, hard day. The whiskey was made to be shared.
Wee Whisky Sample Size
Wee Whisky bottlings are produced in-house directly from a bottle of the above whisky and are NOT distillery bottled. They are simply labelled and offer an affordable opportunity to experience a particular whisky or try-before-you-buy the large format bottle. To view the current range of available bottlings please see this dedicated page. Wee Whisky purchases are excluded from the Returns Policy.